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Thank you for making it to our website and being interested in supporting us.

As a registered charity we really appreciate members of our local community who can help us to continue doing what we do! 

There's loads that you can do to support us if you feel that you can, including lots that are absolutely free for you!


We've summarised lots of options below - click on the arrows to get more info - these all really help us to keep our cast acting fees & ticket prices as low as possible, and try to make theatre accessible to everyone in the local area.


If you'd like to make a one-off donation, you can do that via the PayPal giving fund as well.

Please don't feel obliged to donate anything though, we really appreciate your support in any way.

Sign up for Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising will donate a small amount to us every time you shop with a partner retailer through their site (including eBay and loads more!)


Details on their website

Follow us on Social Media

We're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat & YouTube - following us and liking / sharing out posts really helps us out!


Links to all of them are on our contact page below!

Join us as a 'Friend'

From only £5 a year you can join us as a friend, to gain access to a wide range of benefits including first access to tickets & show details, and a thank you shout out on our website and show programmes.

Perform in or watch our shows

We plan 6 productions a year across each of our age groups and show types, and there's nothing better than a big cast and even bigger audience! We always keep our ticket prices as low as possible.

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